Since browsing at the nursery isn’t currently an option, I am making the most of the plants I do have, digging up clumps of them and spreading them around — mostly wood poppies, hostas, bluebells, and hellebores. I had never actually tried to dig up and divide hellebores before; they were surprisingly hard to slice through! (Possibly because my shovel blade isn’t much sharper than the wooden handle). Anyway, in struggling to transplant a clump of this nice dark purple hellebore, I wound up slicing my shovel across the crown at far too shallow an angle. The result was that I cut off a whole bunch of the stems without getting any roots. Aaaaaah!!!Horrified, I gathered the flowers I had just violently scalped off the plant and took them inside.I am rather pleased with how they look in a large drinking glass! I wish I had more skill for flower arranging. However, I have discovered that there is literally no skill needed when you cut several of the same kind of flower and stick them in a glass. And the result is usually delightful. Simply leave a couple of the stems longer and put those in the middle, and cut a few stems a bit shorter and those go on the outside. Ta-da! If you have fewer flowers with shorter stems (shhh…this is a trade secret), you use a smaller glass. No vases necessary!When they start to look crappy — boom! — in the compost they go. In the meantime, for 2-7 days, cheerful blooms every time you’re at the kitchen sink.This is really something we should all be doing more often.